I have noticed that the way I look at some of the experiences in my life, growing up Italian-American, and things I say in my live shows and on my radio show, Filippo and the Chef, strike a chord with so many people, Italians, Italian-Americans and people of all walks of life, that I decided to journal some of them on a weekly basis and I invite everyone to chime in about their Italian connections and experiences.
When a friend of mine sent me this as a joke, I couldn't help but post if for all of you to laugh or at least get a kick out of seeing it.
I thought this was so apropos since this is the month in which some of us look at the weight that we gained over the Holidays and think about taking it off.
It seems that Michelangelo's David ate a little too much over Christmas and New Year as well and he is contemplating a diet too.
Here's to your New Year Exercise and Diet Resolutions. May this be a visual aid to us all to help us get on track, or should I say, get on the track? He, he.
A presto,
P.S. Here is a video I found on Youtube.com that I think is really interesting. It seems that for two years Stanford University Digitally the most famous sculpture in the world, Michelangelo's David, and this video is the result of that work. (Visual and Music Only)
Well the Holidays have past and the new year is upon us and the gifts still keep coming. I believe this is going to be a year of gifts, so many kinds of gifts. And the best gift of all is the gift of Health.
So how appropriate is it that the first gift of the year is a gift of health consciousness or health care. After not thinking about health all season and eating just about everything in sight, sweets and you name it, it is time to get serious about health again.
So this is what happened, a few months ago I met a fellow Italian-American at the NIAF Convention in Washington, D.C., by the name of Joseph J. Russo, Esq. As happens more often than not with me, I meet the most interesting people and I get into all kinds of interesting conversations. In this case it was about some tragic experiences in life. And like many Italian-American's the story continued with how one can triumph over challenges and adversity etc.
This particular story deserves much more serious attention than I can give here at this time, but suffice it to say, some beautiful things, learnings and products have come out of the adversity this family has been facing.
Two of these "products" are books about health and health care. One happens to be about Raw Food called "The Raw Food Diet Myth," and it is do in book stores soon. The other book is the one I received in the mail from Joseph is titled "7 Steps to Your Best Possible Healthcare." Both are authored by his wife Ruthann Russo, Phd, JD, MPH, RHIT.
By the way, thank you Ruthann for the nice note you wrote on my copy of the book. Though I have not read the book yet, for those of you who's interest is peaked, like mine, the 7 Steps are these:
Step 1. Create your vision
Step 2. Own your story
Step 3. Build your relationships
Step 4. Assess quality
Step 5. Understand the people
Step 6. Know the places
Step 7. Learn the language
And for those of you who are now even more curious than before, well, you are just going to have to get the book and read the book, like me.
Again, Happy New Year and here's to all our good health!
P.S. And now for something completely different, or maybe not that different. Beppe Grillo is an Italian comedian turned activist who is helping people open their eyes to all kinds of social issues, injustices etc. It is interesting that his blog is, according to one source, one of the top ten most read blogs on the net. His blog is www.BeppeGrillo.it. His blog is translated in many languages, including English.
In this video that I found on Youtube.com, he is talking about health. (In Italian)