I have noticed that the way I look at some of the experiences in my life, growing up Italian-American, and things I say in my live shows and on my radio show, Filippo and the Chef, strike a chord with so many people, Italians, Italian-Americans and people of all walks of life, that I decided to journal some of them on a weekly basis and I invite everyone to chime in about their Italian connections and experiences.
Tonight marked the night of the Seventh Annual NIAF Media Networking Forum in Los Angeles. And as always it was well attended by noted media industry representatives from various aspects of the business from the greater Los Angeles area.
This year it was held at a well established Italian Restaurant in Studio City, Ca' Del Sole and co-hosted by Silvia Bizio and Laurence Darmiento. As Marcella Leonetti-Tyler, NIAF Area Coordinator, it was a wonderful occasion to met professionals in the field of communications and share ideas.
It was good to get together with other like minded people in the Industry who wish to work together to promote the positive contributions our ancestors and Italian-Americans have made to make America great.
Elissa Ruffino introduced the "Italian Language Camp" in New Jersey and encouraged all to share it with the children in our lives who may be interested in attending and being submerged in Italian language and culture. Sharing it with you is my way of doing my part. Click on the following link to learn more about it, www.niaf.org/concordia.
These are a few picture from the evening.
A Buona Sera it was and a Buona Sera a tutti,
P.S. Here is a video I found on Youtube.com of a Public Service Announcement Italian-American Actor Alan Alda of the "MASH" TV fame did for NIAF. (In English)
Some of you may remember reading a post of mine a few months or so ago about some possible relatives living in France with whom I share the same surname who found me on the Internet and wrote me. That was Christiane and she is the very proud Mother of two boys, Dimitri and Thomas. I think I joked in my blog saying something like, we have to be related, when I saw that her son and I shared similar passion and drive.
I posted some pictures of him and some American celebrities he had met at a young Directors Conference while here in Hollywood after having won a film competition where his treatment on a film won first prize in France, or something like that. I have to say, some of the juicy details do get lost in the translation. Christiane, having been born in France and not in Italy, after her family moved from Sicily, speaks French and not Italian.
It would be the equivalent of the families that came to America and who's children speak only English and not Italian. At any rate, her English does get us by well enough to know I am proud of her son Thomas too. I have been following his career now, and, evidently I am not the only one.
It seems that the French Ministry of Defense took interest in his movie about a war in Provence in the South of France in 1944 and has helped him film this movie. Though it is a low budget movie, it is already gaining lots of attention because of Thomas. Thomas is the writer, director and one of the lead actors in the film.
Above is an article which came out today in France about him and his movie. In it the writer says many things but pertaining to what I just said, he says that Thomas, at such a young age (23), has somehow managed to professionally shoot a quality movie and get attention of not only the press but the Ministry of Defense etc.
The movie is so low budget that Thomas has enlisted the help of his Mother Christiane and his brother Dimitri. I am sure they are all having a lot of fun even though I know it is hard work.
To see more pictures of the set and scenes from the movie click on the films title here "Au Soldat Inconnu" ("To The Unknown Soldier"). I am sure of one thing, Thomas will not be "unknown," we will be hearing about Thomas Lemoine whether I will be writing about him or not, I am sure many will.
Bravo Thomas,
P.S. As those of you who have followed this blog know, I am into connections and certainly connecting, possibly, with long lost relatives is something that excites me. After writing this post, I was looking for an Italian-American connection between Italy and France since Christiane's family moved from Italy to France and not to America like my parents. Interestingly enough, I ran across this video on Youtube.com of a Volleyball European Championship in Berlin in 2003 between Italy and France.
I found this interesting because I thought Volleyball was an American sport. So I did the research and found out I was right. Volleyball was invented by William Morgan, an American, in 1895. I had found my connection. Here is a clip of the game. Incidentally, Italy won. (In Russian?)
Chef Richard of "Filippo and the Chef" and I, were interviewed today for an upcoming article in Amici Journal by the editor Andrew Guzzaldo. We talked about our summer tour and all kinds of fun stuff that we are up to. I, like you, will have to read the article to know exactly what he will write about but I am grateful to Andrew for his interest and also for his putting out a publication like this for us Italian-Americans.
This is the cover of the Summer Issue with Sylvester Stallone. I don't know if we will be in this one or the one where Ernest Borgnine will be on the cover. It remains to be seen. By the way, did you know Ernest was Italian-American? I didn't until a year or so ago.
Click on the link above to find out more about it or you can even order on Amazon.com.
A presto,
P.S. Speaking of Sylvester Stallone, I found on Youtube.com this video of him on Fiorello's show on Italian Television. (In English and Italian)