Ciao a tutti,
While in San Diego visiting family, my blood relatives I should say since I seem to call so many people family, I took the opportunity to stay the night and go to yet another party the next night.
In San Diego, I feel like if I wanted to, I could probably find a party every weekend. Actually, in the Italian community in San Diego, you could find a party, a wedding, an anniversary, or something every weekend for sure.
But this was not an Italian party and I didn't expect to see any Italians there, but I shouldn't expect anything of the kind anymore.
The way I see it, if in the end when you die it is the people you spent time with that mattered the most, well, doesn't it stand to reason that since we spend so much time in business, shouldn't those people we do business with, matter?
That's how I see it, at least right now. And this is turning out to be the case with all my dealings, like in this case with Bill Clum. I don't know what kind of business dealings we are going to have yet, but it doesn't matter, whatever it is and whenever it is, it is going to be good. In the meantime we are all having fun.
And this was a reason for having fun. Bill was having a milestone Birthday. Now since I just put my two cents in about doing business with friends and family, I might as well put my two cents in about Birthdays.
Actually, I already mentioned
So, we should be celebrating the days that we experience growth or have come to an understanding about life, not just the days in which we were born. Because in essence, by celebrating Birthdays we are just glorifying time. But when we celebrate achievements or successes or experiences, we are glorifying life.
Again, that's just how I see it right now, assuming I made my point clearly. That is until maybe someday I will see it differently, probably around the time I reach a "milestone" birthday, he, he.
I think Bill probably believes this too but it just happened to be a "milestone" birthday year; it happened to be a great time for his lady friend Patricia Murray Morgan to throw him a party at their place in San Diego; and it happened to be right in the middle of a beautiful summer.
In regard to meeting Italians, I was happily surprised to see my good friend David Johnson at the party who I haven't seen in a very long time. He is Italian-American and it was good to see him looking so good and doing so well.
Actually, the looking good part is not hard for him since he has been a print model for years, he could stumble out of bed and take a good picture. The doing well part, that's something I wish for everyone and glad to know he is.
That's David pictured here with me. The very first picture at the top of the post is of Bill Clum and I. I must say these pictures with Bill were taken after we had all done quite a bit of dancing to the live band you see behind us there in the backyard.
Directly below that picture of Bill and I is a picture of Patricia Murray and I, and then below that, Bill, Patricia, and I. And speaking of Patricias, the picture below that one is of my friend Patricia, or Tricia Wall, and a friend of hers and acquaintance of mine, Jon Corbisez.
Actually, in case you have noticed those beautiful crystals some of us are wearing, John is the one that makes them by hand. Since some of you have asked, when Jon gets a website up, I can share it so those of you who are interested will know how you can get one too, or learn about them.
Below that picture is Bill and a friend Moe Elhabbal, that I just happened to catch on my camera, as well as a picture of Bill, Patricia, and her Mother, all the way from Canada.
I think we could all use a little of that. But none of that was necessary at Bill and Patricia's party. Fun was had by all. Thanks for the invite and...
Buon Compleanno Bill (Happy Birthday Bill).
P.S. Speaking of friends in San Diego, I ran across this video on of some friends in San Diego. They are Tony and Giovanna DiBona who have a band and dance troop they call Roman Holiday. I heard from Giovanna today, she saw my last blog post of me and my family in San Diego and knowing I was in San Diego mentioned how she wished we could have seen each other. See, there was another party waiting to happen. What did I tell you? Every time I see them it's a party, with good food and good music, and no wonder, look what they do. (Non Spoken Video)
1 comment:
Goggled the name "Bill Clum, San Diego" and came up with your site. So happy to see my long-lost friend, Bill, having such a great birthday celebration with a special lady friend.
Looks like a good time was had by all. Please extend my birthday wishes to Bill on his "milestone" birthday. I wish him many, many more years ahead shared with special friends.
His forever friend, CaliforniaGirl Bev (now NebraskaGirl)
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