Ciao a tutti,
This year Chef Richard and I were invited to perform a live version of the "Filippo and the Chef" show at the 2007 NIAF (National Italian American Foundation) Convention in Washington, D.C.
I had been invited to perform at the Convention and Gala a few times before, but this was the first time with the "Filippo and the Chef" show which normally includes a
celebrity guest or two.
You would think that with the six of us Italian-American performers and "chefs" (every Italian I know, cooks) on stage, that it would be a free-for-all and that too many chefs would spoil the soup, but quite the opposite. It was beautiful and harmonious.
The audience went nuts. Forget the audience, I went nuts. That was too much. How many people can say that they have sung with Jerry Vale, alone. But to be on a stage singing with Jerry, Deana, Tony and Vince and of course Richard, what a dream come true.
That is until the Director of the whole convention came up to the stage and handed me a handwritten note from the NIAF Executive Director, John Salamone, himself, that read, "Filippo, shut the show down, we need the celebrities for our auction."
Evidently, there was to be a celebrity auction going on at that point in another area of the convention that he himself was hosting and all the celebrities including the audience were all still at our show.
I know John, but I hadn't seen John throughout the whole convention weekend, and like a good Italian raised on guilt, I knew for sure it was because he was angry with me.
Of course it had nothing to do with him being the busiest person there. Then when I went to go pick up my tickets for the Gala and they weren't there, nor was my name on the list, I knew for sure he was angry.
In all actuality, we were immediately invited back for next year's convention and we already talked about more time so that we can have all the Italian-American cooking and singing and chatting time on stage we can have.
Yogi came to the show, and I saw him in the audience so I went over to say hello, introduce myself and thank him for coming to the show. I sat and chatted with him a minute and before I left, I asked him if he would like to be acknowledged from the stage.
He asked me why I would do that? I told him "so that people would know that you are here." And here it comes. He said to me, very matter of factly, "They already know I'm here, because I'm here!"
There you go folks, my very own Yogi-ism, thank you Yogi! I laughed all the way up to the stage. What a great way to psyche oneself up for a show.
Watching and listening to Italian-Americans making plans for the continuation of traditions and the betterment of our community and the world made me proud for our future.
Above are pictures of me with Gina Lollobrigida, Susan Lucci, Connie Stevens, Deana Martin, Jerry Vale, Tony Lo Bianco, U.S. Marines, Vince Ferragamo, Yogi Berra, the gang and I cooking in the convention hall, and opera singer Vittorio Grigolo and I. Below are some more fun pictures and fun people.
P.S. My only regret, (another "great" Italian trait or tradition, regret) was that I didn't get to meet actress Ellen Pompeo. I know I will have the opportunity soon, so I am okay with that. In the meantime however, here is the video that NIAF had made of her and her Italian roots as posted on (In English)
At table 31 at the NIAF Gala
With Actress Jodi London & NIAF's A. Kenneth Ciongoli
With Singer Alfio and Magic Beam President Nina Bueti
With Singer Alfio, Magic Beam President Nina Bueti and Serafina Scorcia
With the U.S. Ambassador to Italy Giovanni Castellaneta and Cav. Rosemary Licata and her sister.
With NIAF President Sal J. Zizza
With Radio host John Griffeth and husband to Deana Martin
With friend Serafina Scorcia
With Singer Rose Bonanza and Dame Dorothy Nocita
With Singer Alfio and Magic Beam President Nina Bueti
With Mrs. Susan Sanzi
With His Excellency Rev. Pietro Sambi Representative of the Vatican in America
With Singer Cristina Fontanelli
With NIAF's Kristy Pappalardo
With NIAF Chairman Frank Guarini and friend Sera Scorcia
With Actress Jodi London
With Longtime Fan Daniela Mansella
With friend Sera Scorcia and Singer Alfio
At table 31 w/ Tony Cicoria
With PBS Predident and Chief Executive Officer Patricia de Stacy Harrison
With Ron Onesti
With friend Serafina Scorcia
Table 31 at the NIAF Gala, Chef Richard Lombardi and wife Elaine
With Magic Beam President Nina Bueti and friend Sera Scorcia