Thursday, December 13, 2007

More Christmas Music - Singer Patrick Basile

Ciao a tutti,

In this post, I have another Italian-American singer acquaintance who has gifted me a CD that I would like to tell you all about. After all, it is the season of giving, right? So, it is my pleasure to give some promotion to yet another fellow singer. In this case, it is singer Patrick Basile.

I actually don't need to say too much about him because his CD is in all kinds of stores this season, Target, Walmart, etc. and of course on the net. Of course you could find Patrick all over the net but probably the most up to date info is at his MySpace account which you will find at

This is not to mention the fact that he is being played on the Christmas stations on radio all over, where you are more likely to here his clever rendition of "I'll Be Home For Christmas," than any of his other songs.

I hope I am not giving away too much here but what he did was to take the song "Home," from the musical "The Wiz," and combine it, in a clever way with the Christmas song, "I'll Be Home For Christmas." You'll just have to hear it to know what I am talking about. It seems to be the one the radio disk jockey's like the most of his "Home For Christmas" CD.

Auguri Patrick and Buon Natale.


P.S. Here is a video from of Patrick, I imagine, as a little boy with his family, with the soundtrack being him singing from his CD "Home For Christmas." (In English)

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