Ciao a tutti,
You know, it really is true that "Birds of a feather stick together." In this case it was for the Birthday Party of an Italian-American actress, and you would never guess, that the whole house was full of Italian-American actors. Okay, some Italian-Americans that weren't actors, and some actors that weren't Italian-American, but it's all there..."Birds of a Feather," everywhere.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, most of them from New York. And a couple Italian-American actors that I expected to be there weren't there because they were in New York. Do you see what I am getting at?
So friends gathered from all over, mainly New York, he, he, to wish her a Happy Birthday at her home up in the mountains of Los Angeles with an amazing view. It was my kind of house, hidden from the street. In fact, the house was so hidden and seemed in such a rural area that the road stopped before you got to her house. And there were so many cars the little dirt road that was there was blocked. So, I parked somewhere down the mountain and walked.
In fact, the song was sung over a NEW YORK CHEESE CAKE made by New York's number one fan, Elaine "Cookie" Lombardi, Chef Richard Lombardi's wife of the "Filippo and the Chef" Show. Oh, yes, she cooks and bakes too, and Italian no less, even though she isn't Italian, and she wasn't an actor. But she is from New York. See what I mean?
I am sure you all recognize most of the people in the pictures, but just in case, here we go. The first picture is of the one and only, unique, one of a kind, Camille Saviola. I like that picture of her and I, and did you notice the sketch above our heads? I like that one too, he, he.
This next actress I know her as Kat Narducci but I guess she goes by Katherine Narducci. Those of you who have watched it, know her from "The Soprano's," and of course "Bronx Tales," and many other TV and movie roles. Speaking of pictures hanging on the wall, look at the one right behind Kat. I tell you, Camille is one of a kind, and we wouldn't want her any other way.
And speaking of Bobby, that's Chef Richard and Bobby in the next picture, probably talking about New York, or the old neighbor. It's like when Italians would get together and talk about the old Country, they do the same thing with New York. Having been born and raised in California, I guess I will never known unless I move to New York, but I am sure it won't be the same.
Oh, and I should probably mention that there were some non-Italians there, or should I say, they were only half Italian, he, he, like in this last picture, with Carlysle King and John Griffin, both half Italian and both actors.
What can I say? I'm just playing around and having fun, and it has been fun and it was a fun party, and the people were great and it was great meeting old friends and new, who you felt like they were old friends because that is how "Birds of a Feather" feel when they "flock" together.
So, what the "flock?" Happy Birthday Camille.
P.S. With all this talk of Italians and New York and the Old Country, I can't help to be reminded of the movie "The Golden Door." If you are into Italian Heritage, you really owe it to yourself to see this movie. I found this scene on and it is the scene when the immigrants see the skyscrapers of New York city for the first time. I have seen the film and it is a moving scene for me. If you haven't seen it, I hope it works out of context. (In Sicilian w/ English Subtitles).
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