During this magical season, one never knows what one is going to receive in the mail, or under a tree, etc. So true was it with me this morning as I received in the mail a mouse. Yes a mouse. In fact, an Italian Mouse.
You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixon. Oops, those are reindeer. I meant to say, you know Topo Gigio and Pepino the Italian Mice? Well, on this Christmas Season, a season of birth, actually a birth is the reason for the Season, a new Italian Mouse is born, Mistletoe Mouse, and he arrived at my door step this morning.
No, he wasn't wrapped in swaddling clothes, and no he wasn't just abbandoned at my doorstep, he was sent to me by a friend via the US mail.
He came, in the form of a book. This is the inagural year for the mouse, who I have heard about for a few years now from my friend Mattie. For years I have heard that she and her friend Tony had a dream to bring Mistletoe Mouse to life and finally, Tony and Mattie, who really love each other got together, and did what two people who really love each other do, and gave birth to a mouse. What they did was write a story, get the book illustrated and Mattie reading the story and Tony and Mattie singing the song.
It takes place in the North Pole, and though I don't know of any Italians that live at the North Pole, you too might wonder, what makes Misteltoe Mouse Italian? Well, easy, his Mommy and Daddy, Tony and Mattie are both Italian-Americans. And therfore that's how and why I consider Mistletoe Mouse an Italian mouse.
And now you know the rest of the story, at least my story of the mouse. If you want to know the mouse's story, you have to buy the book. And if you want to be one of the first to get "The Mistletoe Mouse Song," book and CD for little ones on your shopping list, visit www.MistletoeMouse.com, or E-mail Mistletoe Mouse directly at MistletoeMouse@gmail.com. He might also be able to get your little ones' letter to Santa directly, since it sounds like he is in really good favor with Santa. And by the way, my book came with a certification of authenticity, it was signed by Mistletoe Mouse himself, and it was numbered, no. 56 of 1000 of this first printing, to be exact. So, maybe this first printing will be worth more than the cost someday, if Mistletoe Mouse becomes famous. Maybe we should introduce him to Topo Gigio to see if he can help him, he, he.
Hope you too are having a little fun, or a lot of fun with the Holidays, Italian or not.
P.S. Here you will find a video of Mistletoe Mouse from Youtube.com.
1 comment:
Ciao, Filippo,
You must check out my client's website: www.patriciavdavis.com
She is a beautiful Italian-American who just published a memoir about growing up first generation Italian- American, marrying a Greek national, and moving to Greece with him. She named her book Harlot's Sauce: A Memoir of Food, Family, Love, Loss and Greece. Harlot's sauce is salsa puttanesca, after the sauce her grandmother used to make. It's great story and I think you will especially like it, as you love all things Italian-American!
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