I have noticed that the way I look at some of the experiences in my life, growing up Italian-American, and things I say in my live shows and on my radio show, Filippo and the Chef, strike a chord with so many people, Italians, Italian-Americans and people of all walks of life, that I decided to journal some of them on a weekly basis and I invite everyone to chime in about their Italian connections and experiences.
Vi auguro a tutti un Buon Capo d'Anno! (I wish you all a Happy New Year)!
da parte mia, (from me)
P.S. Just for fun here is a video I found on Youtube.com which is a New Year's Eve Party sketch staring three Italian-Americans, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and Ruth Buzzi. (In English)
About a year ago I did a show in New York and artist fan of mine came up to me during a meet and greet and showed me a sketch that he had made of me. I was quite taken by this, especially since he had done other another art piece of me before. It was a collage actually that he gifted me at another show a few years back.
The artist is Anthony Mancini and this is the sketch that he made of me. He said at the time that he wasn't quite finished with it, so he couldn't give it to me then. Now, I received an E-mail with this surprise. In the E-mail, he wished me a Buon Natale from him and his wife, and then included not only a scan of the sketch that he had done, but one that was modified especially for the Season.
I got such a kick out of it, I thought it would include it here in my Christmas blog post. Grazie Anthony, I am honored and touched. And grazie to all of you who have been following this blog, our Filippo and the Chef Show, and all who are part of my beautiful and growing family. Wishing you all a Buon Natale, Merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart.
Con affetto,
P.S. I found this video on Youtube yesterday and I found it humorous. The protagonist is just irreverent enough for my taste and thought it would put a smile on your faces. It is a man who calls himself Marcello Mastrantonioni and he has a series of Italian language short videos.
The lesson, at least this particular Christmas lesson, is tongue in cheek and he teaches the viewer how to say the "appropriate" Christmas phrases in Italian. (In English and Italian)
'Tis the Season of Parties and the Season for Giving. It is so wonderful how during this season the two come together so beautifully. I have actually stayed away from parties this season and come to think of it, have not gone to a one. I am not sure why exactly.
It is not because I am a hum bug. I really love this season and enjoy my friends, family and socializing too, but for some reason, besides being busy, going to parties has not been a priority as it has in past years.
This one party, the first I went to all season so far, was special because it felt to me that people were having a party to really give, and give from the heart. Of course, it had Italian-American written all over it, and Christmas, and GIVING. It was the "Adopt A Family Christmas Luncheon," which was to "help to make this Christmas Season a little brighter for families of the United States Marine Corps."
It was put on by the Curci Asset Management Co. and the Lido Peninsula Co. and the food was sponsored by Sabatino's Sausage Company. The whole thing was coordinated by Sandy DiGiovanni of the Curci Companies, who personally invited me, and I was only too happy to oblige.
I had never been down to that part of town, what a beautiful area it is. And it was so great to see people from all walks of life, careers and families and friends coming together for some good Italian food and lots of good cheer.
In fact, one of the people helping raise that Christmas Spirit was Pete Villani who was the singer for the occasion. He is known as the "Vocalist of the 'Classics'" and is a regular at Sabatino's. He is pictured here with Sam Romeo, the Maitre d' at Sabatino's for years. Here I am pictured with the two of them, Pete and Sam.
At the top of the post is a picture of John Curci and I, and just below that, the two of us with Sandy DiGiovanni.
Below I am pictured with the owner of Sabatino's, Mr. Pete Sabatino himself, and below that with Bill Brown, also of the Curci Companies.
So great to have met everyone and to have spent the time together for a good cause while enjoying our high Christmas Spirits.
Buon Natale,
P.S. Speaking of Italians and Christmas, I found this interesting video on Youtube of the Christmas movie "Polar Express." It is one of the sweet moments in the animated feature in which the children sing "When Christmas Comes To Town," only this is the Italian version and in this clip, they sing it in Italian. (In Italian)
In this post, I have another Italian-American singer acquaintance who has gifted me a CD that I would like to tell you all about. After all, it is the season of giving, right? So, it is my pleasure to give some promotion to yet another fellow singer. In this case, it is singer Patrick Basile.
I actually don't need to say too much about him because his CD is in all kinds of stores this season, Target, Walmart, etc. and of course on the net. Of course you could find Patrick all over the net but probably the most up to date info is at his MySpace account which you will find at www.myspace.com/patchbasile
This is not to mention the fact that he is being played on the Christmas stations on radio all over, where you are more likely to here his clever rendition of "I'll Be Home For Christmas," than any of his other songs.
I hope I am not giving away too much here but what he did was to take the song "Home," from the musical "The Wiz," and combine it, in a clever way with the Christmas song, "I'll Be Home For Christmas." You'll just have to hear it to know what I am talking about. It seems to be the one the radio disk jockey's like the most of his "Home For Christmas" CD.
Auguri Patrick and Buon Natale.
P.S. Here is a video from Youtube.com of Patrick, I imagine, as a little boy with his family, with the soundtrack being him singing from his CD "Home For Christmas." (In English)
As we get ready for the Holiday Season people are getting out their Holiday decorations and their music that they probably haven't heard for a year. I say probably, because if anyone is like me, then they have heard heard a bit of Christmas music since then. I myself listen to Christmas music every once in a while, just because. But, in my case, I at least have an excuse, as a singer, I am reviewing music all the time.
But come to think of it, why do we need an excuse to listen to Christmas music "off-season?" Technically, isn't Christmas music about love and hope and peace and.... That being the case, wouldn't it even be a good idea to be listen to Christmas music all year round?
Well, regardless, tis the season, and I am looking forward to hearing some of my old Christmas favorites and some new ones by new artists and some of my friends and acquaintances.
In fact here is a CD I haven't heard yet from an acquaintance who gifted me her two latest CDs and one of them is a Christmas one called "December." The other CD is called "The Best Is Yet To Come."
I had to include an image of her CD here because it must be her as a little girl standing in front of a Christmas Tree dressed in a Cowgirl outfit, and she looks adorable.
The, now grown up singer, is Joyce Garro and she has quite an interesting story. To begin with, she was the youngest member of "The Golddiggers," from "The Dean Martin Show." She heralds originally from Chicago but started out her professional singing career here in Los Angeles. Besides the Dean Martin show she has appeared on the "Mike Douglas Show," and "The Tonight Show." As part of "The Golddiggers" she got to tour in concerts all over the world including Monte Carlo, Acapulco, Montreal, Las Vegas, New York, Chicago, and of course Los Angeles.
One one of the tours she got to perform with both Dean and Frank Sinatra. Imagine what a thrill that must have been and what stories she must have. We run into each other at many events and actually shared the stage a couple times but have never had the opportunity to sit down and relay those stories.
Someday I hope to do that, but in the meantime, I am looking forward to at the very least, hearing her sing on these two CDs. For more information or to get a CD, contact Loving Heart Music at JoyceGarro@pacbell.net.
P.S. I found this video on Youtube.com of Dean Martin and the Golddiggers doing their thing on an episode of the Dean Martin Show. I can't tell if Joyce was part of this Episode but maybe she can comment on this post and fill us in. (In English)
I have to say that this could be a bit overwhelming. I have never seen so many pictures of me from one event before in my entire performance life. Literally, I have been sent and have seen hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of me with hundreds of facial expressions, position of mouth, body gesticulations and in various strides across the stage.
It seems that there were more than a few photographers at the Feast of San Gennaro in Los Angeles this year who took a liking to what Chef Richard and I were doing as part of our live version of the Filippo and the Chef show, and we are so grateful for the attention. Little by little they have been trickling in.
This last batch which came in today was really appreciated because it included pictures of me with people with whom I had not seen pictures of as of yet. Most specifically, I didn't have a picture with Joan Kimmel, Kimmy Kimmel's Mom and Uncle Frank.
At the top of the post is her making pasta fasul or "fagioli" with Chef Richard, with me looking on, and talking on and on, he, he. In this picture here I was telling a story about her, actually it was really about me. But it went like this.
When I met Joan that night before I gave her my E-mail address and asked her to E-mail me the recipe that she was going to make and the ingredients she needed. That next day she E-mailed me as planned. At the end of her E-mail she wrote, "I love you."
I got the E-mail and without batting an eye-lash wrote her back, "Thanks, I love you!" Just before I sent the E-mail, I happened to check her E-mail address and noticed that it wasn't her name on the E-mail but that of her son, JIMMY KIMMEL. Thank God I didn't send it. She explained to me later that she was using her sons computer at his house and sent the E-mail from his E-mail account.
So I shared that story with the audience ending it with "Can you imagine if I had sent the E-mail and Jimmy had read it?" I think, whether he thought I was saying "I love you" to him, or saw me writing it to his mother, it would have possibly been awkward either way. You know those Italians and their mothers, he, he.
Here are some other pictures that I think you would enjoy, and I guess there's no need to explain them, I will just post them here with captions, just in case they are needed. Oh yes, there were a couple other things I wanted to say.
Firstly, here is a picture of the singing group we formed especially for the Festival which we called "Filippo and the CHEFS!" The "Chefs" part of the group was made up of actors Bobby Costanzo, Johnny Capodice, and our very own Chef Richard Lombardi. It was a hoot, we sang doo wop and brought the house down because it was so funny.
And what was the other thing I wanted to say? Oh, and I wasn't kidding when I said the pictures keep coming in. I recently got an E-mail from yet another photographer, Andre, who took some fun pictures of us at the Feast and if you want to see even more pictures you can click on this link. www.sgfeast.com/filippogal02.html Thank you Andre for your interest in taking pictures of us and posting them on them web.
So that's it for now, until someone else sends some more pictures, he, he.
Backstage with Actress, Director and Producer Penny Marshall
P.S. This Italian-American comedian, John DiResta, was coming to town and I wasn't able to go see his live stand-up, but I checked out clips of him on the web and on Youtube. In case you are not familiar with his comedy or his show, like I wasn't, I posted a clip of his and his brother Jimmy's show "Hammered," here. (In English)
Singing on stage to Actress, Model, TV Host Tanya Memme
A month ago I wrote about the NIAF (National Italian American Foundation) Convention and Gala and posted all kinds of pictures taken of me at the event with all kinds of people. There was one picture however that didn't make it to me and therefore my blog post until just now. It is of the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, which is a person who is pretty high up there on the Who's Who in the world at the moment, and that is why I titled this post "Saving The Best For Last."
I think in fact it is quite appropriate that I dedicate this post solely to Nancy for many reasons. Besides holding the third highest office in America and besides her being the first in line to the Presidency should something happen to the President and the Vice-President, she is Italian-American. She where I was going with this.
But I remember talking to some people who thought she was Italian by marriage, because of her husbands last name. In fact, she was born Nancy D'Alessandro to a very Italian family. In a video made by NIAF shown at the Gala before her being honored, I myself was happy to see how much we had in common about growing up Italian-American.
So, here's to Nancy and all that she has done and all that she will do for herself, her family, Italian-Americans, Americans, the U.S. and the World.
P.S. Here is a clip of the video I mentioned above as was shown at the NIAF Gala and posted do on Youtube. (In English)
In this day and age I know for sure that so many of us get forwarded some interesting, and some not so interesting E-mails from our friends who think we need to see this or that, or read this or that, or do this or that.
You can imagine I get my share from not only some of my friends but from some of my fans as well. It can be a bit overwhelming to be sure, especially since I get the same thing sometimes from different people.
Mostly, I just erase them, otherwise, I would spend my whole day with them. But I must admit that every once in a while I happen upon something that I actually find interesting or funny or even important.
I decided it was time to put up a couple of those in this post, especially since they are Italianish. So, if you haven't seen these circulating, you will see it here. And if you have seen them, then you know how I feel, he, he.
But seriously, I thought this was really interesting. Above is a picture of the Statue of Liberty, or at least, a picture of an image of the Statue of Liberty. And if you look really closely, you will notice that it is an old picture of people "huddled" together, like the "huddled masses yearning to be free," as the song says.
The people standing together form the image of the statue. Isn't that interesting. I wish I had more information on it, who took it, why, who is in the pictures, etc.
But because the Statue of Liberty was such an important symbol to immigrants, especially Italians, (La Statua Della Liberta), I thought it was appropriate to include here.
Now this next set of pictures are Italianish scenes to me and my excuse to include them here. But also it looks to me that much of what is in the pictures is very Italian too. But can you see what the pictures are made of? Everything in the picture is a food item. I really think this is very clever.
Here too I wish I had the information as to who created these food masterpieces and how they were created. First of all I would really love to give the credit to whomever created them. Secondly, I would like to know if the food was actually placed and then photographed or were the imaged manipulated in some way. Either way, it is a feat and artistic and beautiful and very appetizing.
And don't they look like Italy, some of them? And doesn't the cheese look Italian? Maybe it's just me.
Finally, here is one of those you have to read, and this is so Italianish, in fact, it is stereotypical even, but hopefully not offensive to anyone. It is called
"The Italian That Came To New York..."
One day Ima go to New York to a bigga hotel...
I go down to eat soma breakfast. I tell the waitress
I wanna two piss toast. She branga me only onea piss. I tella her I wanna two piss, she say go to the toilet, I say you no understand. I wannt two piss on the plate. She say you better no piss on the plate you sonna ma bitch. I don't even know the lady and she call me sonna ma bitch. Later, I go to eat soma lunch at the Drake Restaurant, the waitress bringa me a spoon, ana knife, but no fock. I tella her I wanna fock. She tellsa me everybody wanna fock. I tell her, you no understand, I wanna fock on the table. She say you better not fock on the table, you sonna ma bitch. I don't even know the lady and she call me a sonna ma bitch.
So I go back to my room inna hotel, an there's no sheet on my bed. I calla the manager ana tell him I wanna sheet. He tells me go to the toilet. So I say you no understand, I wanna sheet on the bed. He say you better not sheet on the bed, you sonna ma bitch. I don't even know the man ana he call me a sonna ma bitch. I go to check out and the man at the desk, he say peace to you. I say piss ona you too, you sonna ma bitch!
I go back to Italy!!! I would watch stories like this unfold before me with my parents of their immigrant friends and on occasion even to me as I was learning English. So though I am sure this didn't happen exactly like this, I am sure it happened lots.
Hope you enjoyed those.
P.S. Now here is someone I can identify. He is Italian-American comedian Mike Birbiglia. It is a clip I got off of Youtube in which he mentions his Italian parents and a particular situation that is reminiscent of the story I wrote out above. (In English)
I am sure you are all familiar with the movie, "Finding Nemo." Well this blog post title, has nothing to do with it. But I wonder, what kind of name is Nemo? Isn't it Italian?
But I digress and I haven't even started my post yet. "Finding Filippo." Obviously, having an Internet presence has it advantages and it's disadvantages. Depending on what kind of life you lead, having people be able to find you could be a good thing, or a bad thing. But again, I digress.
Well, not really, in my case, it is a good thing. Like in this case and the reason I am writing this post. I was contacted by a young lady in France who's maiden name is the same as my surname. She wrote to me how she saw my posts and what I do and how much I reminded her of her son and how we must have "it" in the blood.
I wasn't sure what she was talking about but I was intrigued and I wrote her back and asked her to explain. Besides, when it comes to family I want to know them all, not that I even have time for the family I already know of, but I want to know. Isn't that the Italian way?
So, Christiane, pictured above and her son Thomas just below it, wrote me back and told me that her parents were from a neighboring town to where my parents came from in Sicily and like my parents came to America, hers went to France. She speaks French like I speak English, but unfortunately I don't speak French like she speaks English.
And unfortunately, she didn't learn Italian. Anyway, she grew up Italian in every other sense, traditions, culture, pride, etc. and was so happy and proud to see not only another "family" member who like her who feels strongly about being Italian, and one who was so similar to her son.
Okay, I have "family" in quotes because, I am not sure if we are related closely, distantly, or if at all. But regardless there are so many people who don't share my surname at all and I consider them family, so, why not, he, he. Although, I would like to explore this further someday, of course I haven't had time.
But I wanted to know what she meant by "similar to her son." In answer to that question she wrote that her son was named Thomas Lemoine and he is in the "business," to which I understood to mean the movie or entertainment business. And in a subsequent E-mail sent me all of these pictures of him.
Wow! I see what she meant. Here is a guy who against many odds, is in the "movie" business at a very young age in France. And what does he do. He shoots a short film and submits it to a review board for a competition and of the hundreds of films in the competition, his gets selected.
As a prize and as part of the aid to the development of the film he gets sent to Hollywood, my backyard so to speak, to meet with all these movers and shakers of the business and learn the trade.
Then he takes pictures with them and posts them, he, he.
What do you think of that? Now I KNOW he's family! He, he. I am proud of him and for him and I don't even know him. But CONGRATULAZIONE to Thomas and I can't wait to hear more and see more about him and of him and I look forward to meeting him on his next trip to Hollywood after the film gets made.
Better yet, I would love to interview him on the red carpet on his way to receiving his Oscar for his film. Why not? This is my blog, right?
P.S. Here is a video I just found on Youtube of a comical short that Thomas directed and stared in a year or so ago, it seems. I hope it's comical. Like I said, I don't understand French as much as I would like to but it looks clever. I hope it is something he would all want us to see. (In French)
I was invited by Annette Zappia of the OSIA Americana Lodge and by Comedian and host Mike Marino to sing a song in honor of Joseph La Banca State President of the OSIA at a dinner held in La Habra. It was a beautiful affair and so wonderful to see so many people I knew and had seen in so long. I used to sing at so many local Order of Sons of Italy events and it felt so nice to be there.
I was also in good company, Mike did a great job as host and of course funny as ever. Then Autumn Scarlett was also there to sing a song for the occasion. I had recently met Autumn at the Los Angeles San Gennaro Festival where we both performed. Her with her own solo show and I with Chef Richard and the "Filippo and the Chef" Show.
Of course I couldn't just sing one song. And I don't think they really wanted me to just sing one song, could they have?
No I am sure not, because if that was the case, they wouldn't have invited me back for a whole show in March. And of course I said yes, and I am looking forward to it. It is called Filippo and Friends featuring Mike Marino and Special Guest Singer Laura De Leon.
Rumor has it that Chef Richard might even make an appearance.
It will be held on March 30, 2008, and you can click on the flyer to see more information about the show. Hope to see more of my friends I haven't seen in a long time.
A presto,
P.S. Mike Marino has an already popular new DVD out on the market called "Live at the Paramount." You can purchase one at www.MikeMarino.net Here is a short clip of it posted on Youtube.com. (In English)
This year Chef Richard and I were invited to perform a live version of the "Filippo and the Chef" show at the 2007 NIAF (National Italian American Foundation) Convention in Washington, D.C.
I had been invited to perform at the Convention and Gala a few times before, but this was the first time with the "Filippo and the Chef" show which normally includes a celebrity guest or two.
This show was a first all the way around. Not only was it a first for us to be performing it at NIAF, but we had four celebrity guests and Chef Richard and I on the stage all cooking and talking at the same time. There was Tony Lo Bianco, Jerry Vale, Deana Martin and Vince Ferragamo.
You would think that with the six of us Italian-American performers and "chefs" (every Italian I know, cooks) on stage, that it would be a free-for-all and that too many chefs would spoil the soup, but quite the opposite. It was beautiful and harmonious.
In fact, at one point, someone from the audience yelled out "Jerry, sing." Knowing Jerry wouldn't be up to that, I responded that when those of us cook we sometimes play the music of Jerry Vale. Now that we are watching Jerry cook, we should be singing for him." Not missing a beat, Jerry said, under his breath while stirring his Pasta Puttanesca, "Deana will sing."
Sure enough, as if on cue Deana started to sing "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometimes," one of her father Dean Martin's hits and a song from her own CD "Memories Are Made of This." And what do you suppose happened next? As if we were all following a script, one by one we all joined in, first Tony Lo Bianco, then Me, then Vince Ferragamo, Richard Lombardi, and finally, Jerry Vale started and the chorus of beautiful voices was complete.
The audience went nuts. Forget the audience, I went nuts. That was too much. How many people can say that they have sung with Jerry Vale, alone. But to be on a stage singing with Jerry, Deana, Tony and Vince and of course Richard, what a dream come true.
As you would imagine, the show went on much longer than planned. Between the joking and bantering and cooking, tasting and merrymaking, we all lost track of time, and no one was all the wise, in fact we were all having too much fun.
That is until the Director of the whole convention came up to the stage and handed me a handwritten note from the NIAF Executive Director, John Salamone, himself, that read, "Filippo, shut the show down, we need the celebrities for our auction."
Evidently, there was to be a celebrity auction going on at that point in another area of the convention that he himself was hosting and all the celebrities including the audience were all still at our show.
I know John, but I hadn't seen John throughout the whole convention weekend, and like a good Italian raised on guilt, I knew for sure it was because he was angry with me.
Of course it had nothing to do with him being the busiest person there. Then when I went to go pick up my tickets for the Gala and they weren't there, nor was my name on the list, I knew for sure he was angry.
Of course I went to the Gala and the tickets and my name were eventually found, but it wasn't until I finally made it to a private reception in John's suite at the end of the convention that we were able to laugh about the story I had invented in my head.
In all actuality, we were immediately invited back for next year's convention and we already talked about more time so that we can have all the Italian-American cooking and singing and chatting time on stage we can have.
Oh, and speaking of stories we invent in our heads, I forgot to mention another special moment that happened just before the show. I got to meet and speak with Yogi Berra. And while I was talking to him, he gifted me with a Yogi-ism, just for me.
Yogi came to the show, and I saw him in the audience so I went over to say hello, introduce myself and thank him for coming to the show. I sat and chatted with him a minute and before I left, I asked him if he would like to be acknowledged from the stage. He asked me why I would do that? I told him "so that people would know that you are here." And here it comes. He said to me, very matter of factly, "They already know I'm here, because I'm here!"
There you go folks, my very own Yogi-ism, thank you Yogi! I laughed all the way up to the stage. What a great way to psyche oneself up for a show.
Needless to say, from the convention to the Gala, NIAF puts on quite a star studded affair and not only was a good time had by all, but much work got done too. Because we also had a "Filippo and the Chef" booth at the convention hall, I didn't get to attend too many of the conferences but the ones I did get to attend made me even more proud to be Italian-American.
Watching and listening to Italian-Americans making plans for the continuation of traditions and the betterment of our community and the world made me proud for our future.
And here's to the future of NIAF, see you next year!
P.S. My only regret, (another "great" Italian trait or tradition, regret) was that I didn't get to meet actress Ellen Pompeo. I know I will have the opportunity soon, so I am okay with that. In the meantime however, here is the video that NIAF had made of her and her Italian roots as posted on Youtube.com. (In English)
At table 31 at the NIAF Gala
With Actress Jodi London & NIAF's A. Kenneth Ciongoli