Ciao a tutti,
The "Secret" is no "Secret" anymore. Of course I am referring to the popular movie making its way into the hands of so many people these days called "The Secret." Though I knew about this movie what seems like a long time ago now, it recently was featured twice on the Oprah Show and since then the DVD sales have gone through the roof.
One of the featured teachers in the movie is Dr. John Demartini who was well known before the movie came out, but not to me. Since then, I have come to know his wisdom and have had the pleasure of getting to interview him on my "Filippo and the Chef" Show a few months ago and what an incredible experience it was. You have to hear that interview, he was so magnanimous and gave of his knowledge so lovingly. I thought it was special how he knew we have a large Italian-American following and that he got a kick out of knowing he was speaking directly to those that share the same heritage as he.
Now if you are looking at the picture above and you think I look funny and Dr. D looks mischievous, you are right on the money and I have to tell you what happened. At the moment before the picture was snapped, Dr. D tickled me on the side. I think it shocked me and then I started to laugh. Come to think of it, when was the last time I was tickled? Maybe he is on to something here. Maybe he was trying to teach me to laugh more or just to tickle more, I don't know but I laughed and hopefully you did too now that you know that story.
It is so great to see the caliber of people that come out to hear Dr. D speak, although I guess it shouldn't be to shocking to see the Director of "The Secret" himself there, Drew Heriot, since he directed Dr. D in the movie. I had met Drew a couple times before at Dr. D events and it has been great seeing his career really take off. The great thing about this guy, in my opinion, is that after the popularity of this movie, this guy can write his own ticket in Hollywood and is getting requests to direct left and right, but he is keeping true to his dreams of bringing similar themed, inspirational films to the world.
Through their love for life and Earth, the Elevate team created The Elevate Film And Music Festival to challenge the international film community to produce works of social and global importance. It is currently the fastest growing festival in the world. I plan on going to the next one so I can tell you all more about it. I hope and trust there will be some Italian "love of life" represented there too.
The reason I posted two pictures here is not because you have to see what is different in both pictures, although it is funny to see that, but to tell you what happened in between the pictures. While standing there I heard they were calling out raffle numbers. At the end of the Demartini seminar they raffled off some of his books and CDs. In my subconscious mind I heard them call out a number and no one respond. Something reminded me that I had been given a raffle ticket when I walked in the seminar hours before and that I should look at it now.
Just as they were about to call out another number I realized that the number they had been calling was mine. I ran up on stage and claimed my prize, which was a hug from Amanda, pictured here, who I knew but hadn't seen that night up until then, and the latest book of Dr. Demartini's to hit the book stores "Count Your Blessings - The Healing Power of Gratitude and Love."
I was already grateful to be there, and to have won this just added to it. Though I am presently in the middle of studying my Dr. D "The Breakthrough Experience" book and haven't had a chance to read this new one yet, the chapters I have perused show promise that it is another hit. Of course I wouldn't expect anything less.
So in this final picture is Amanda Kroetsch, who did the raffle that night, but more importantly is the "Thank God I..." girl. This is a book series we will all be hearing about and healing because of thanks to CO-founders Amanda and Italian-American John Castagnini. You know, in Sicilian, and Italian for that matter, there is a saying, "Ogni mali un veni pi nosciri." Loosely translated every ill or bad thing doesn't necessarily come to bother, or bring harm. In this series, real people will be sharing how they are grateful that certain ills or bad things happened to them, and why. This should help us see that sometimes, if not all the time, we are blessed with whatever comes.
Or if you go by what Dr. Demartini says, we were calling it in all the time by our choices, our beliefs, our fears, our questions...
P.S. Here is a very wonderfully long clip of a Dr. Demartini interview with New York's Alan Steinfeld I got off of (In English)
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