Ciao a tutti,
In my last post I mentioned that Frankie opened up his restaurant for us, The Three Paisans, so we could have drinks after the success of our show. Actually, he had his staff keep it open, but that's not the point. The point is that writing that, reminded me that I was invited to dinner there a few weeks ago and some of the things about the evening struck me so funny that I had to take some pictures and blog about it.
Here is why...
I was supposed to meet the Italian-American author, Paul Paolicelli, author of "Dances With Luigi," and Italian-American entertainment lawyer Claire Ambrosio for a meeting. When I asked Claire where we were meeting, she suggested dinner at Frankie's, "although," she added, "I don't know how much we will get done there because everyone goes to Frankie's." I asked her what she meant, and she said I would see once I got there. I hadn't been there in a long time, and I guess I have been missing out.
Come to think of it, that doesn't sound right because it seats at least eight, and that sounds and looks too big for a wagon wheel, but I digress. So, we sit down and from the three of us, we quickly grow to four, and then after a few minutes, Frankie himself joins us. Then some director guy, and then some producer guy and then this couple comes by to chat. People kept coming by to say hello or to chat because they knew one of us, all of us, or Frankie, or course.
Every time someone we knew or didn't know would come up to the table, Claire would look at me and say, "See what I mean, everyone goes to Frankie's." The whole thing had me very amused, but not surprised. But when the priest came by to say hello I thought, that is it, I have to take some pictures and blog about this for my friends on the net. And so, here I am.
That would be me next to Claire, Frankie across from Claire, and Paul Paolicelli, across from me. Those of you who are also fans of my show "Filippo and the Chef" will remember Paul from one of our shows where we interviewed him and he read from his book. If you missed it on radio you can always hear it on our archives.
Finally, I don't know why this last picture was taken while Director Anthony Arezzo was giving me one of his credit cards, or was it his business card? At any rate, I had it so I included it. Not pictured is Margi Higashi who was taking pictures. She is very key to all this, but she tries to stay behind the scenes. I hope it was okay to print her name... if I can, I will tell you more about her later, but you will have to stay tuned.
Of course, if you go to Frankie's you might just see her there because, remember, "Everyone goes to Frankie's."
P.S. With everyone hugging and kissing at Frankie's, I thought this might be the perfect time to share this video I found on of Italians giving away free hugs. This is an interesting concept and "Leave it to the Italians." (Background Song in English)
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